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Integrated mixed stills & video playback?

Iwould love to see foliobook enabled to allow continuous video & slide show that would allow stills to be played & if next file in the sequence is a video, the video would auto start, & when the video file ends, the showcan continue with stills slide show. At present the video files only show as a still image.


2 people like this idea

Are you guys able to see the videos after published?

As an added bonus, why not a poster frame for the video clip, too? I say this because most of my portfolio pieces are video that start/end on black and it would be nice to arrange them with a useful image.


I second that. Would love an autoplay feature.

Nice idea. Its similar to something we've been thinking about.  Some of the ideas are tough to get going on the iPad 1, but might be more feasible with the newer iPads. Watch this space.
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